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annual expenditure [revenue] 歲出[入]。

Annual expenditure totalled hk $ 10 . 8 billion . through the inclusion of more environmentally friendly elements within projects such as health education and exhibition centre in kowloon park , slaughter house in sheung shui , museum of coastal defence in lei yue mun , and the award winning designs such as the belcher bay garden , the “ hong kong garden “ in the kunming international horticultural exposition and the swimming pool complex in taipo , we are gradually improving the environment of hong kong 本署一向重視環境保護,建筑署設計的多項工程包括九龍公園健康教育及展覽中心、上水屠房、鯉魚門海防博物館,以及多個得獎項目如卑路乍灣公園、大埔公眾游泳池、昆明國際園藝博覽會的香港園等,都設有環保的系統或設施,為改善香港環境盡一分力。

Apart from the 3 . 2 billion capital expenditure and the over 550 million annual expenditure we have committed to drive it education in schools , we have invested some 2 . 2 billion in the past few years in our activities to address “ digital divide “ 我們除已撥出32億元的資本開支和超過5 . 5億元的每年開支推動學校的資訊科技教育,并在過去數年也曾投入大約22億元舉辦有關消除數碼隔膜的活動。

The term “ annual expenditures “ shall refer to all disbursements during a fiscal year , excluding debt repayment 稱歲出者,謂一個會計年度之一切支出。但不包括債務之償還。

annual plant

Of the annual expenditure on the disposal of abandoned plastic bags in each of the past three years , and whether it has calculated the quantity of degradable plastic bags among such plastic bags ; if so , of the results , and whether there are any treatment processes that can facilitate smooth decomposition of degradable plastic bags (二)過去3年,每年處理被棄置膠袋所涉及的開支款額,以及有否統計在這些膠袋中,可分解的膠袋所占的數量;若有,結果為何,以及有何程序處理可分解的膠袋,使它們能順利分解;

Article 32 all competent agencies shall , in accordance with the administrative policies and the budgetary compilation principles and budget compilation directions approved by the executive yuan , prepare a policy implementation plan and a business plan , as well as budget estimates for annual revenues and annual expenditures covering the scope of their jurisdictions and forward the same to the executive yuan 第32條各主管機關遵照施政方針,并依照行政院核定之預算籌編原則及預算編制辦法,擬定其所主管范圍內之施政計畫及事業計畫與歲入、歲出概算,送行政院。

So other lovers must make up the woman s annual expenditure . with marguerite , it works out even more conveniently . by a miracle of heaven , she s got in with a rich old man worth ten millions whose wife and daughter are both dead and whose surviving relatives are nephews with a lot of money of their own 那么,這個女人就需要別的情人來彌補她開支的不足,瑪格麗特已經算是不錯的了,像天上掉下了奇跡似的遇上了一個有萬貫家財的老頭兒,他的妻子和女兒又都死掉了,他的那些侄子外甥自己也很有錢。

Annual expenditure totalled hk $ 10 . 8 billion . through the inclusion of more environmentally friendly elements within projects such as health education and exhibition centre in kowloon park , slaughter house in sheung shui , museum of coastal defence in lei yue mun , and the award winning designs such as the belcher bay garden , the “ hong kong garden “ in the kunming international horticultural exposition and the swimming pool complex in taipo , we are gradually improving the environment of hong kong 本署一向重視環境保護,建筑署設計的多項工程包括九龍公園健康教育及展覽中心、上水屠房、鯉魚門海防博物館,以及多個得獎項目如卑路乍灣公園、大埔公眾游泳池、昆明國際園藝博覽會的香港園等,都設有環保的系統或設施,為改善香港環境盡一分力。

The annual expenditure incurred by the food and environmental hygiene department ( fehd ) on hawker control work ( including managing licensed hawkers , patrolling hawking blackspots and taking enforcement action against unlicensed hawkers ) and the number of prosecutions against unlicensed hawkers in the past five years are as follows - 食物環境?生署(食環署)在過去五年每年用于小販管理工作(包括管理持牌小販、到小販黑點巡邏和檢控無牌小販等)的開支總額和每年對無牌小販作出檢控的數目如下:

The department s annual expenditure for the financial year 2005 06 was hk 7 , 986 million , of which hk 799 million was for road and public lighting maintenance and hk 7 , 187 million for major highway construction . the budget for the 2006 07 financial year is hk 6 , 030 million 路政署在截至二零零五至二零零六年財政年度共動用79 . 86億元公共開支,其中有7 . 99億元是用于道路及路燈維修工程, 71 . 87億元則用于各項主要道路興建工程。

Of the respective numbers of visits to private rches and subsidized rches by the medical staff , the respective numbers of attendances by elderly persons for outreach services , as well as the annual expenditure and unit cost of such services , in each of the past five years ; and 過去5年,每年醫療人員分別到訪私營安老院舍及資助安老院舍的次數長者接受外展服務的分別人次,以及該等服務每年涉及的全年開支和單位成本及

One of the roles of the finance committee is to scrutinise the budget presented by the financial secretary to the legislative council in the form of an appropriation bill , which sets out the government s annual expenditure proposals for the following financial year 財務委員會其中一項工作,是審核財政司司長以撥款法案形式提交立法會的財政預算,其中載列政府下一財政年度的全年開支建議。

Apart from the 3 . 2 billion capital expenditure and the over 550 million annual expenditure we have committed to drive it education in schools , we have invested some 2 . 2 billion in the past few years in our activities to address “ digital divide “ 我們除已撥出32億元的資本開支和超過5 . 5億元的每年開支推動學校的資訊科技教育,并在過去數年也曾投入大約22億元舉辦有關消除數碼隔膜的活動。

Article 17 the general budget is the entire budget the government compiles in each fiscal year , covering annual revenues , annual expenditures , raising of debt , revenue from surplus of the previous year and debt repayment 第17條政府每一會計年度,各就其歲入與歲出、債務之舉借與以前年度歲計?馀之移用及債務之償還全部所編之預算,為總預算。

First , with regard to finances , our painstaking work to cut back on annual expenditure , along with diligent efforts to collect taxes including the introduction of new methods such as public auctions over the internet , have borne fruit 首先,財政方面,忍痛削減年度經費的同時,努力征稅,而互聯網公開拍賣等新方法的引入也已結出果實。

Annual expenditures , except addition or expansion , improvement of assets and increased investment that are capital expenditures belonging to capital accounts , are all current expenditures and shall be listed in the current accounts 歲出,除增置或擴充、改良資產及增加投資為資本支出,應屬資本門外,均為經常支出,應列經常門。

Unlike aspirin , plavix was thought to induce no harm to the stomach . according to the hospital authority , the annual expenditure on plavix is on a rising trend and exceeded $ 16 million hkd last year 根據本港醫管局的資料顯示,本港每年用在plavix藥物上的開支正不斷增加,以去年為例, plavix藥物的開支便達到一千六百萬港元。

We place special emphasis on education , training and retraining . the resources put into education exceed one - fifth of the governments annual expenditure , which is higher than in many advanced societies 因此,我們特別重視教育培訓和再培訓,投放的資源已超過政府一年開支的五分之一,較許多先進社會為高。

Projects in the public works programme are under way , with annual expenditure ranging from $ 25 billion to $ 30 billion on average for the next five years , depending on actual works progress 目前正在施工的工務計劃工程共有千多項,未來五年平均每年支出約為250億元至300億元,視乎工程實際進度而定。

Enhance services for women , new arrivals , single - parent families , the elderly and the disabled . this will increase our annual expenditure by $ 228 million in the coming two years 為加強對婦女、新來港定居人士、單親家庭、老弱傷殘人士等的服務,政府將在未來兩年增加支出,每年二億二千八百萬元。